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Table 5 Factors associated with self-care behaviors among type 2 diabetes patients in Ghana

From: Self-care behaviors and associated factors among individuals with type 2 diabetes in Ghana: a systematic review


Reported results

1. Patient-related


 Diabetes knowledge

High knowledge of diabetes is associated with increased adherence to overall self-care practices, diet, SMBG, and foot-care recommendations [26].

 Illness representation

Negative illness representations (i.e., belief that diabetes has serious negative impacts on a patient’s life and exhibiting negative emotions) were associated with poor adherence to overall self-care practices, diet, exercise [25], and medication recommendations [28].


Perception of personal control (i.e., belief in personal ability to act to improve health) was positively associated with adherence to medication recommendations [28].

2. Sociodemographic/economic-related


Male participants had a higher frequency of SMBG compared to female participants [23, 27].


Elderly participants (≥ 70 years) were more likely to adhere to medication recommendations compared to those below 50 years [23].


Age was negatively associated with adherence to dietary recommendations [11].


High levels of education were associated with increased adherence to diet, exercise, and foot care recommendations [27].


The number of years in school was negatively associated with adherence to dietary recommendations [23].


High levels of education were associated with increased adherence to medication recommendations [23, 25, 29].

 Marital status

Being married was associated with increased adherence to diet [1].

 Socioeconomic status

Socioeconomic status was positively associated with adherence to diet and cardiovascular fitness recommendations [11, 22].

 Social support

Social support was negatively associated with adherence to diet, exercise, and medication recommendations [11, 24].


Social support was positively associated with adherence to cardiovascular fitness recommendations [11].

 Ownership of glucometer

Owning a glucometer was associated with an increased frequency of SMBG [23].

3. Condition-related


 Diabetes distress

Diabetes distress is negatively associated with adherence to diet, exercise, and medication recommendations [16, 24].

 Diabetes-related emotional distress

Diabetes-related emotional distress is negatively associated with adherence to an exercise regimen [24].

4. Health-care system-related


 Drug availability at the hospital

The availability of anti-diabetic drugs in the hospital pharmacy was negatively associated with adherence to medication adherence [29].