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Table 2 Comparison of parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels of the patients at different times

From: Investigating the effectiveness of intraoperative rapid parathyroid hormone assay in parathyroidectomy surgery in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism

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Mean ± SD (pg/mL)




T1: Baseline PTH

1952.39 ± 484.37

1 vs. 2: 0.052

Time 2

Time 2 vs. 3: < 0.001

T2: Operation time PTH

1739.500 ± 520.32

T3: 10 min PTH

437.344 ± 190.27

3 vs. 4: < 0.001

Time 3

T4: 20 min PTH

260.874 ± 142.84

Time 3 vs. 4: < 0.001

T5: 24-h PTH

27.936 ± 25.66

5 vs. 6: < 0.001

Time 4

T6: 6-month PTH

32.133 ± 12.707

  1. SD Standard deviation
  2. aRepeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the significance