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Table 1 The laboratory parameters of mineral metabolism of both groups at baseline

From: Primary hyperparathyroidism in young patients is associated with metabolic disorders: a prospective comparative study


PHPT group (n = 24)

Control group (n = 20)

p, U-test

PTH, pg/ml

141 [111; 228]

39.9 [33.8; 47.5]

 < 0.001

Caadj, mmol/l

2.73 [2.61; 2.94]

2.23 [2.15; 2.28]

 < 0.001

Phosphorus, mmol/l

0.76 [0.73; 0.84]

1.14 [1.09; 1.25]

 < 0.001

Magnesium, mmol/l

0.84 [0.79; 0.86]

0.81 [0.78; 0.82]


eGFR in CKD-EPI, ml/min/1.73 m2

104 [94; 111]

102 [95; 106]


ALP, U/l

71 [60; 85]

54 [41; 61.5]

 < 0.001

Osteocalcin, ng/ml

46.0 [38.2; 67.7]

19.3 [16.6; 21.5]

 < 0.001

25(OH)D, ng/ml

19.0 [13.3; 21.9]

20.8 [17.1; 28.2]


  1. Data are presented by medians and interquartile ranges (Median, IQR [25;75]%). U-test: the Mann–Whitney test;
  2. PHPT Primary hyperparathyroidism, PTH Parathyroid hormone, Caadj Albumin-adjusted calcium, eGFR Estimated glomerular filtration rate, ALP Alkaline phosphatase, 25(OH)D 25 Hydroxyvitamin D
  3. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant