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Table 5 Granulosa cell proliferation index in NAFLD rat models treated with vinegar

From: Effect of apple vinegar on folliculogenesis and ovarian kisspeptin in a high-fat diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in rat




SD + V


Primordial F

37.75 ± 1.314

33.25 ± 1.25

36.5 ± 3.227

33.5 ± 1.443

Primary F

50 ± 3.135

16 ± 2.160a*

48 ± 2.581b*

24.25 ± 0.853a*

Secondary F

61.25 ± 2.688

31.25 ± 1.732a*

55.25 ± 1.701b*

38.50 ± 3.013a*

Pre-antral F

57.50 ± 2.66

33.0 ± 1.914a*

63 ± 2.081b*

36.5 ± 1.554a*

Graaf F

46 ± 1.779

24 ± 1.683a*

32.75 ± 0.208b*

36.66 ± 0.134a*

Corpus luteum

31.75 ± 2.495

28.25 ± 0.853

33 ± 1.080b**

32.75 ± 1.60

  1. Data are expressed as Mean ± SE. There are 7 rats in each group (n = 7). a: Significant data in comparison to the SD, b: Significant data compared to the HFD group
  2. *P = 0.001
  3. **P = 0.04