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Fig. 4 | BMC Endocrine Disorders

Fig. 4

From: TMPRSS4 is a novel biomarker and correlated with immune infiltration in thyroid carcinoma

Fig. 4

The association between TMPRSS4 and tumor immune infiltration in TC. A The correlation analysis between TMPRSS4 and six TILs from TIMER2.0. B Analysis of correlation between expression of TMPRSS4 and abundance of TILs in various types of human cancers from TISIDB, X axis represented various types of human cancer, Y axis represented TILs, the color of the cell in the heatmap represented the degree of their correlation based on the rho value. C The expression of TMPRSS4 in six immune subtype of TC from TISIDB database. D-H TMPRSS4 strongly and positively correlated with CD4 Tcm (D), NK cells (E), Tem CD8 cells (F), Tgd (G), and Treg (H) in TC

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