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Table 4 Comparison of criteria based on 25(OH)D and phosphorus levels in the last visit *

From: Serum TSH, 25(OH) D and phosphorus levels predict weight loss in individuals with diabetes/prediabetes and morbid obesity: a single-center retrospective cohort analysis


Group DP [25(OH)D ≥ 50 nmol/L,

Pi≥3.5 mg/dL],

(n = 87)

Group D [25(OH)D ≥ 50 nmol/L,

Pi < 3.5 mg/dL]

(n = 54)

Group P [25(OH)D < 50 nmol/L,

Pi≥3.5 mg/dL]

(n = 59)

Group 0 [25(OH)D < 50 nmol/L,

Pi < 3.5 mg/dL]

(n = 55)

p-value, for the trend

BMI at baseline (kg/m2)

37.8 (36.0–42.1)

37.3 (35.9–40.8)

38.9 (36.4–45.2)

38.0 (35.9–40.5)


BMI in the final visit (kg/m2)

36.0 (34.3–38.8)

35.9 (34.8–38.6)

37.8 (35.7 (41.9)

37.4 (35.6–40.4)


Weight loss (%), (95% Confidence interval)

6.3 (3.1–9.6)

4.1 (0.4–7.7)

3.8 (0.3–7.3)



Fat mass loss (%), (95% Confidence interval)

11.1 (5.2–17.0)

8.1 (1.5–14.6)

7.3 (1.0–13.7)



Weight loss ≥10%, (n = 61)*

26 (29.9)

12 (22.2)

12 (20.3)

6 (10.9)


Weight loss 5–9.9%, (n = 75)*

28 (32.2)

13 (24.1)

13 (22.0)

11 (20.0)

Weight loss < 5%, (n = 87) *

23 (26.4)

17 (31.5)

21 (35.6)

15 (27.3)

Weight gain (n = 62)*

10 (11.5)

12 (22.2)

13 (22.0)

23 (41.8)

  1. *There were 30 missing values
  2. **Comparisons were performed by Kruskal-Wallis test
  3. ***Comparisons were performed by one-way ANOVA
  4. a: p < 0.001 (comparison between DP and 0)
  5. b: p < 0.05 (comparison between D and 0, comparison between P and 0)
  6. ****Comparisons were performed by Pearson’s Chi-square