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Table 4 Baseline concomitant medications used by ≥10% of adult patientsa

From: The PARADIGHM (physicians advancing disease knowledge in hypoparathyroidism) registry for patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism: study protocol and interim baseline patient characteristics

Medication, n (%)b



Conventional therapy


Analysis populationc


Vitamin D and analogs

105 (84.0)

523 (91.6)

628 (90.2)


86 (68.8)

430 (75.3)

516 (74.1)

 Native vitamin D, including cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol

75 (60.0)

255 (44.7)

330 (47.4)


1 (0.8)

55 (9.6)

56 (8.0)


96 (76.8)

466 (81.6)

562 (80.7)

 Calcium carbonate

62 (49.6)

333 (58.3)

395 (56.8)

 Calcium citrate

46 (36.8)

148 (25.9)

194 (27.9)

 Calcium, not otherwise specified

9 (7.2)

39 (6.8)

48 (6.9)

Thyroid hormone

86 (68.8)

424 (74.3)

510 (73.3)


79 (63.2)

417 (73.0)

496 (71.3)


46 (36.8)

140 (24.5)

186 (26.7)

Proton pump inhibitors

26 (20.8)

127 (22.2)

153 (22.0)

Benzodiazepine derivatives

26 (20.8)

74 (13.0)

100 (14.4)

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors

16 (12.8)

115 (20.1)

131 (18.8)


25 (20.0)

66 (11.6)

91 (13.1)

Combinations of vitamins

23 (18.4)

91 (15.9)

114 (16.4)


23 (18.4)

56 (9.8)

79 (11.4)

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

22 (17.6)

70 (12.3)

92 (13.2)

Platelet aggregation inhibitorsd

10 (8.0)

92 (16.1)

102 (14.7)


17 (13.6)

91 (15.9)

108 (15.5)

Thiazides, hydrochlorothiazide

16 (12.8)

76 (13.3)

92 (13.2)

Beta-blocking agents, selective

15 (12.0)

67 (11.7)

82 (11.8)

  1. HMG-CoA reductase 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, rhPTH(1-84) recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-84)
  2. aDrug class cutoff based on analysis population
  3. bMedication coded using the World Health Organization Drug Dictionary
  4. cBaseline is defined as the assessment at enrollment (visit 1); pediatric patients (n=27) and those who received rhPTH(1-34) (n=14) were excluded from the analysis
  5. dExcludes heparin