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Table 3 Comparison between patients treated with ZA and patients not treated with ZA

From: Endocrine disorders after heart transplantation: national cohort study


Treated with ZA (N = 46)

Not treated with ZA (N = 63)


Lumbar spine (BMD)

0.907 (0.866–0.978)

1.012 (0.933–1.118)

p < 0.001

Lumbar spine (T-score)

−1.6 (−2.2- -1.0)

−0.6 (−1.2–0.4)

p < 0.001

Femoral neck (BMD)

0.749 (0.680–0.813)

0.832 (0.757–0.946)

p = 0.002

Femoral neck (T-score)

−1.3 (− 1.8- -0.8)

−0.7 (− 1.3–0.1)

p = 0.002

Hip (BMD)

0.935 (0.860–1.007)

1.009 (0.925–1.094)

p = 0.006

Hip (T-score)

−0.7 (−1.1- -0.2)

0.0 (− 0.6–0.4)

p = 0.003


90 (75–90)

77 (66–90)

P = 0.019

  1. Legend: ZA was administered in median time 7 months from HT. Patients not treated with ZA are treatment naïve; patients who received peroral bisphosphonates and teriparatide were excluded from analysis. Data are median and interquartile range (IQR). BMD bone mineral density, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration, ZA zoledronic acid