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Table 3 Adjusted relationships of quartiles of neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio (NLR) to diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) (n = 507)

From: Neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio is positively associated with subclinical diabetic cardiomyopathy

Adjusted relationships

Quartiles of NLR (range)


Level 1

(< 1.35)

n = 124

Level 2

(≥1.35 and < 1.77)

n = 129

Level 3

(≥1.77 and < 2.38)

n = 127

Level 4


n = 127

P value

Number of DCM






1.00 (Ref)

4.57 (0.96–21.59)

8.79 (1.98–39.07)

10.01 (2.28–44.47)

< 0.001*

Model 1

1.00 (Ref)

5.01 (1.04–24.09)

10.29 (2.26–46.77)

13.43 (2.96–60.95)

< 0.001*

Model 2

1.00 (Ref)

5.47 (1.11–27.02)

11.59 (2.48–54.25)

16.16 (3.46–75.36)

< 0.001*

Model 3

1.00 (Ref)

8.02 (1.53–41.96)

12.55 (2.52–62.35)

14.32 (2.92–70.31)

< 0.001*

  1. Model 1: age-, sex-, and BMI- adjusted;
  2. Model 2: age-, sex-, BMI-, and duration of diabetes- adjusted;
  3. Model 3: multiple adjusted, including age-, sex-, BMI-, duration of diabetes-, and lipid profile