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Table 4 The risk of micro- and macroalbuminuria associated with a 0.1 μg/l increase in serum OPG

From: Association of osteoprotegerin with impaired glucose regulation and microalbuminuria: the REACTION study



Microalbuminuria (n = 103)

p valuea

Micro- and macroalbuminuria (n = 117)

p valueb

Model 1


1.042 (1.026–1.058)


1.039 (1.022–1.056)


Model 2

Adjusted for sex, current smoking, current alcohol intake, ACEI/ARB use and family history of diabetes

1.032 (1.017–1.046)


1.034 (1.019–1.050)


Model 3

Further adjusted for BMI and WHR, based on Model 2

1.027 (1.010–1.045)


1.029 (1.012–1.046)


Model 4

Further adjusted for HOMA-IR, based on Model 3

1.026 (1.010–1.042)


1.028 (1.012–1.044)


Model 5

Further adjusted for GFR, based on Model 4

1.29 (1.013–1.046)


1.32 (1.018–1.046)


Model 6

Further adjusted for lipid profiles, based on Model 5

1.025 (1.006–1.044)


1.026 (1.008–1.044)


  1. Values are ORs (95% CI)
  2. aFor the risk of microalbuminuria, we defined participants with normal urinary albumin excretion as 0 (n=1,539) and microalbuminuria as 1 (n=103), excluding macroalbuminuria (n=14) from the logistic regression analyses
  3. bFor the risk of combined micro- and macroalbuminuria, we defined participants with normal urinary albumin excretion as 0 (n=1,539) and combined micro- and macroalbuminuria as 1 (n=117)