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Table 3 The risk of impaired glucose regulation and type 2 diabetes associated with a 0.1 μg/l increase in serum OPG

From: Association of osteoprotegerin with impaired glucose regulation and microalbuminuria: the REACTION study



IGR (n = 730)

p valuea

Impaired glucose regulation and type 2 diabetes (n = 1,057)

p valueb

Model 1


1.143 (1.112–1.174)


1.146 (1.127–1.167)


Model 2

Adjusted for age, gender, current smoking, current alcohol intake and family history of diabetes

1.137 (1.108–1.166)


1.141 (1.115–1.168)


Model 3

Further adjusted for BMI and waist/hip ratio, based on Model 2

1.134 (1.104–1.165)


1.136 (1.107–1.166)


Model 4

Further adjusted for HOMA-IR, based on Model 3

1.133 (1.103–1.164)


1.132 (1.103–1.161)


Model 5

Further adjusted for serum triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, based on Model 4

1.108 (1.009–1.117)


1.121 (1.101–1.141)


  1. Values are ORs (95 % CI)
  2. aFor the risk of IGR, we defined participants with normal glucose regulation as 0 (n = 599) and IGR as 1 (n = 730), excluding patients with type 2 diabetes (n = 327) from the analysis
  3. bFor the risk of combined IGR and type 2 diabetes, we defined participants with NGR as 0 (n = 599) and combined IGR and type 2 diabetes as 1 (n = 1,057)