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Fig. 7 | BMC Endocrine Disorders

Fig. 7

From: Muscle ring finger-3 protects against diabetic cardiomyopathy induced by a high fat diet

Fig. 7

MuRF3 inversely regulates steady state levels of PPARα and PPARγ1. a Immunoblot analysis of cardiac LV PPARα, PPARβ, and PPARγ1 levels normalized to βactin. b-d In vitro ubiquitination assays of MuRF3’s ability to ubiquitinate PPARα (b), PPARβ (c), and PPARγ1 (d), with all lanes having Ub, E1, E2, MuRF3, and PPAR (=full reaction), unless otherwise indicated. Immunoblot for MuRF3 illustrates auto-ubiquitination (=MuRF3 activity) present in the same reaction as mono-ubiquitination (PPARα) and poly-ubiquitiation (PPARγ1). Values expressed as Mean ± SE of three independent experiments. A one-way ANOVA was performed to determine significance, followed by a Holm-Sidak pairwise comparison to determine significance between groups. N = 3/group. #p < 0.05

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