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Figure 2 | BMC Endocrine Disorders

Figure 2

From: Alteration of renal respiratory Complex-III during experimental type-1 diabetes

Figure 2

Diabetes-induced alterations in the activity of mitochondrial complexes and ATP levels. A) Blue Native Gel Electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) showing alterations in mitochondrial complex proteins during diabetes. The box represents Complexes-III and V that differ in control and diabetic (5-week post-STZ) mitochondria. B) Densitometric analysis of BN-PAGE showing a decrease in Complex III levels during diabetes. (C-H) Bar graphs indicating inactivation of mitochondrial Complex-III (C), and induction of F0, F1-ATPase (Complex-V) activity (D), and ATP levels (E) in diabetic rat kidney as compared to controls. Activities of renal mitochondrial complexes: F) Complex-I, G) Complex-II, and H) Complex-IV, were not altered by diabetes. All values are expressed as percentage Mean ± SEM (n = 5) of controls (set to 100). * P < 0.05 compared with age-matched controls.

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