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Table 3 Number (%) of DPts on Targets of Metabolic Control according to ATP-III Panel and Steno Study

From: Family physician and endocrinologist coordination as the basis for diabetes care in clinical practice







30 months

HbA1c < 7%:


   - Group A

25 (44)

31 (55)

32 (56)

34 (60)

28 (49)

24 (42)

   - Group B

19 (33)

22 (37)

27 (46)

31 (53)

25 (43)

27 (46)

HbA1c < 6.5%:


   - Group A

16 (28)

14 (25)

13 (23)

21 (37)

17 (30)

21 (37)

   - Group B

15 (26)

16 (27)

18 (30)

24 (41)

22 (37)

22 (37)

SBP < 130 mm Hg:


   - Group A

12 (21)

21 (37)

24 (42)*

22 (39)*

23 (41)*

29 (51)*

   - Group B

14 (24)

17 (29)

28 (48)*

28 (48)*

24 (41)*

25 (43)*

DBP < 80 mm Hg:


   - Group A

30 (53)

44 (77)

49 (86)*

44 (77)

45 (79)*

47 (82)*

   - Group B

27 (46)

44 (75)

50 (85)*

53 (90)*

53 (90)*

51 (86)*

Cholesterol < 200 mg/dl:


   - Group A

39 (68)

50 (88)*

51 (90)*

48 (84)*

54 (95)*

53 (93)*

   - Group B

40 (68)

45 (76)*

48 (81)*

52 (88)*

55 (93)*

56 (95)*

Triglycerides < 150 mg/dl:


   - Group A

44 (77)

44 (77)

48 (84)

48 (84)

47 (82)

50 (88)

   - Group B

45 (76)

40 (68)

42 (71)

43 (73)

45 (76)

48 (81)

HDL cholesterol (mg/dl)


Men > 40:


   - Group A

33 (77)

33 (77)

37 (86)

39 (91)

32 (74)

30 (70)

   - Group B

28 (72)

31 (80)

31 (80)

31 (80)

30 (77)

34 (87)

Women > 50:


   - Group A

9 (64)

11 (79)

10 (71)

10 (71)

12 (86)

12 (86)

   - Group B

10 (50)

12 (60)

9 (45)

8 (40)

8 (40)

11 (55)

LDL cholesterol < 100 mg/dl:


   - Group A

26 (46)

41 (72)*

38 (67)*

44 (77)*

50 (88)**

48 (84)**

   - Group B

23 (39)

33 (56)*

37 (63)*

46 (78)*

51 (86)**

46 (78)**

Apolipoprotein B < 100 mg/dl:


   - Group A

32 (56)

45 (79)*

48 (84)*

48 (84)*

52 (91)*

53 (93)*

   - Group B

27 (46)

42 (71)*

42 (71)*

51 (86)*

50 (85)*

50 (85)*

BMI < 25 Kg.m-2:


   - Group A

13 (23)

12 (21)

11 (19)

13 (23)

12 (21)

13 (23)

   - Group B

5 (9)&

5 (9)&

5 (9)&

9 (15)&

7 (12)&

7 (12)&

Waist Circumference


Men < 102 cm:


   - Group A

21 (49)

18 (42)

22 (51)

23 (53)

20 (47)

20 (47)

   - Group B

17 (44)

18 (46)

16 (41)&

19 (49)

19 (49)

19 (49)

Women < 88 cm:


   - Group A

3 (21)

4 (29)

5 (36)

4 (29)

4 (29)

4 (29)

   - Group B

4 (20)

5 (25)

5 (25)

6 (30)

6 (30)

6 (30)

ACR < 30 mg/g:


   - Group A

31 (54)

32 (56)

32 (56)

34 (60)

29 (51)

29 (51)

   - Group B

26 (44)

30 (51)

27 (46)

31 (53)

25 (42)

30 (51)

Current smokers:


   - Group A

11 (19)

8 (14)

8 (14)

7 (12)

7 (12)

7 (12)

   - Group B

11 (19)

8 (14)

7 (12)

7 (12)

7 (12)

7 (12)

Antiaggregated treatment:


   - Group A

50 (88)

50 (88)

50 (88)

50 (88)

50 (88)

50 (88)

   - Group B

53 (90)

53 (90)

53 (90)

53 (90)

53 (90)

53 (90)

  1. Group A, diabetic patients treated by endocrinology service. Group B, diabetic patients treated by coordinated team, Family Physician and endocrinologist, at primary care site.
  2. SBP, systolic blood pressure. DBP, diastolic blood pressure. BMI, body mass index. ACR, albumine-to-creatinine ratio.
  3. *p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, denote differences in relation to baseline values. &p < 0.05, denote differences between Group A vs. Group B.