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Table 4 Key observational studies that report non-clinical sleep disruption in polycystic ovary syndrome

From: Lifestyle management in polycystic ovary syndrome – beyond diet and physical activity


Sample size

Sleep methodology used

Main findings

Moran et al. 2015 [182]

PCOS: n=87

Non-PCOS: n=637

Modified version of the Jenkins Sleep Questionnaire

Women with PCOS were twice as likely to experience sleep disturbance

PCOS was associated with difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep

Mo et al 2019 [140]a

PCOS: n=484

Non-PCOS: n=6094

Sleep duration was self-reported on a work day and non-work day

Sleep quality was self-reported through frequency questions about difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, difficulty sleeping and severe tiredness

Women with/without PCOS had similar sleep duration

Women with PCOS had higher prevalence of sleep disturbance, and this relationship maintained even after controlling for BMI, depression, income, marital status, occupation, education status and COB

Bennett et al. 2021 [183]a

PCOS: n=464

Non-PCOS: n=5603

Sleep duration was self-reported on a work day and non-work day

Sleep quality was self-reported through frequency questions about difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, difficulty sleeping and severe tiredness

Overall women with PCOS had greater adverse sleep symptoms and higher DGI

However, subgroup analysis revealed PCOS was only associated with a higher DGI in women with adequate sleep

There was no association between PCOS and DGI in women with poor sleep

The higher DGI observed in women with PCOS may only be maintained in women who achieve adequate amounts of good quality sleep

Shreeve et al. 2013 [167]

PCOS: n=15

Non-PCOS: n=18

Actigraphy, PSQI and ESS

Women with PCOS had higher night time melatonin levels

Women with PCOS had reduced sleep when compared to controls

Kutanaee et al. 2019 [181]

PCOS: n=201

Non-PCOS: n=199


Women with PCOS had lower sleep quality and daytime function

Women with PCOS were more likely to utilise medication to assist with sleep

  1. Abbreviations: BMI Body mass index, COB Country of birth, DGI Dietary Guidelines Index, ESS Epworth Sleepiness Scale, PCOS Polycystic ovary syndrome, PQSI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
  2. aMo et al. [140] and Bennett et al. [183] share the same cohort