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Table 2 Mean differences between HBA1C at 6 months and baseline within study arms

From: Feasibility and effectiveness of self-monitoring of blood glucose among insulin-dependent patients with type 2 diabetes: open randomized control trial in three rural districts in Rwanda

Study arm

Mean (SD) HbA1C at baseline

Mean (SD) HbA1C at six months

Mean (CI) difference*


Intervention (n = 38)

7.98 (1.86)


-0.94 (-1.46, -0.41)

 < 0.001

Control (n = 35)

7.26 (1.41)


0.73 (-0.09, 1.54)


p-value comparing mean differences+

 < 0.001

  1. Note: Control, n = 38 at baseline and n = 35 at six months; 2 patients LTFU and 1 died; Intervention, n = 42 at baseline and n = 38 at six months; 3 patients LTFU and 1 died
  2. *Statistic used: paired t-test
  3. +two sample t-test