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Table 1 Mean and standard deviation values or percent and number of participants for demographic characteristics in the treatment and placebo group

From: Atorvastatin lowers serum calcium levels in lithium-users: results from a randomized controlled trial


Atorvastatin Group

(n = 27) Mean (SD) or %(n)

Placebo Group

(n = 33) Mean (SD) or %(n)

Demographic Characteristics

 Mean Age

47.81 (13.75)

53.12 (11.79)



48.1% (n = 13)

66.7% (n = 22)


51.9% (n = 14)

33.3% (n = 11)

 Level of Education

  Elementary School

1.6% (n = 1)

0% (n = 0)

  High School

16.7% (n = 10)

26.7% (n = 16)

  University (Bachelor)

16.7% (n = 10)

28.3% (n = 17)

  University (Professional, Graduate Degree)

10.0% (n = 6)

0% (n = 0)

Lithium Use Variables

 Lithium Dose (First visit)

857.69 (246.85)

761.66 (323.95)

 Serum Lithium Level (First visit)

0.607 (0.16)

0.603 (0.19)

Psychiatric and Medical History

 Bipolar Disorder

88.88% (n = 24)

90.9% (n = 30)

 Unipolar Depression

11.11% (n = 3)

9.09% (n = 3)

 Number of past mood episodes

4.92 (1.62)

5.0 (1.52)

 Number of past manic episodes

3.11 (2.26)

4.12 (3.35)

 Number of Medications

4.89 (1.50)

4.82 (1.45)

 Number of psychotropics medications

3.52 (1.87)

3.64 (1.75)

 Patients taking antipsychotics

0.70 (0.47)

0.67 (0.48)

 Patients taking antidepressants

0.33 (0.48)

0.61 (0.50)

 Patients taking Valproate

0.15 (0.36)

0.06 (0.24)

 Patients taking Lamotrigine

0.19 (0.40)

0.24 (0.44)

 Patients taking Benzodiazepines

0.15 (0.36)

0.24 (0.44)