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Table 2 Association between glycohemoglobin (%) and HDL-C (mg/dL)

From: The relationship between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetic patients aged 20 or above: a cross-sectional study


Model 1, β(95% CI) , p

Model 2, β(95% CI) , p

Model 3, β(95% CI) , p

P for interaction


-0.008, (− 0.010, − 0.007), < 0.001

− 0.010,(− 0.012, − 0.008),< 0.001

− 0.004,(− 0.008, − 0.000),0.044


Tertiles of HDL-C

 Lowest tertile






−0.161, (− 0.237, − 0.085),<  0.001

−0.164,(− 0.236, − 0.091),< 0.001

−0.016,(− 0.042, − 0.003),0.006



−0.328, (− 0.403, − 0.252),< 0.001

− 0.382, (− 0.458, − 0.307), < 0.001

− 0.070,(− 0.210, − 0.017),0.033


P for trend

< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.001


Stratified by sex




−0.010, (− 0.013, − 0.007),< 0.001

− 0.011,(− 0.014, − 0.008),< 0.001

− 0.009,(− 0.016, − 0.007), < 0.001



− 0.009,(− 0.011, − 0.006),< 0.001

− 0.010,(− 0.012, − 0.007),< 0.001

− 0.002,(− 0.007, 0.003), 0.551


Stratified by race/ethnicity



 Mexican American

−0.008, (− 0.015, − 0.001), 0.022

−0.013,(− 0.020, − 0.006),< 0.001

0.008,(− 0.005, 0.022),0.248


 Other Race/ethnicity

−0.011, (− 0.016, − 0.006), < 0.001

− 0.010,(− 0.015, − 0.004),< 0.001

− 0.005,(− 0.014, 0.004),0.307


 Non-Hispanic White

− 0.008, (− 0.011, − 0.006), < 0.001

−0.011, (− 0.013, − 0.008), < 0.001

−0.008,(− 0.014, − 0.001),0.025


 Non-Hispanic Black

−0.007,(− 0.012, − 0.002),0.004

−0.008,(− 0.013, − 0.004),< 0.001

−0.008,(− 0.017, 0.007), 0.054


Stratified by age



 Age < 40 years

−0.005,(− 0.008, − 0.003), < 0.001

−0.005, (− 0.008, − 0.003),< 0.001

−0.003(− 0.009,0.004)0.447


 Age > =40, < 60 years

−0.010,(− 0.014, − 0.007),< 0.001

−0.011,(− 0.014, − 0.007),< 0.001

−0.004(− 0.010,0.003)0.258


 Age > =60 years

− 0.014,(− 0.017, − 0.011),< 0.001

− 0.015, (− 0.018, − 0.012) < 0.001

− 0.008(− 0.017,0.001)0.092

  1. Model 1: No adjustment for variables;
  2. Model 2: Sex, age, and race/ethnicity were adjusted;
  3. Model 3: Sex, age, race/ethnicity, BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, ALT, Cr, TG, TC, LDL, FDG, γGT, uric acid, insulin and lipid-lowering medications and anti-diabetic medications were adjusted.
  4. Sex, age, race/ethnicity, BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, ALT, Cr, TG, TC, LDL, FDG, γGT, uric acid, insulin and lipid-lowering medications and anti-diabetic medications were adjusted in the interaction analysis: