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Table 1 The diagnosis of patients included in to the retrospective database

From: Developing a research database of primary aldosteronism: rationale and baseline characteristics


n/N (%)

Patients diagnosed as PA

862 (100%)

 Positive ARR

583/862 (67.6%)

 Screening not stated

279/862 (32.4%)

Patients with confirmation test

507/862 (55.82%)

 Positive SIT

443/507 (87.4%)

 Positive CCT

408/507 (80.5%)

 Positive both test

344/507 (67.9%)

Patients with alternative confirmation test

355/862 (41.2%)

 ARR > 20

76/355 (21.4%)

 Confirmation not stated

279/355 (78.6%)

Patients with subtype classification

479/862 (55.6%)

 Adrenal vein sampling (AVS)

190/862 (22.3%)

  Unilateral disease

63/190 (33.2%)

  Bilateral disease

50/190 (26.3%)

  Unsatisfactory or indeterminate

77/190 (40.5%)

 Imaging (CT/MRI etc.)

366/862 (%)

  Unilateral adenoma

345/366 (94.3%)

  Bilateral hyperplasia

21/366 (5.7%)

Patients with a definitive diagnosis

480/862 (55.7%)

 Aldosterone producing adenoma (APA)

408/862 (47.3%)

  By AVS + Patho

63 /408 (15.4%)

  By imaging + Patho

345/408 (84.6%)

 Bilateral aldosterone hyperplasia

72 /862 (8.4%)

  By AVS

50/72 (69.4%)

  By imaging

21/72 (29.2%)

  By patho

1/72 (1.4%)