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Table 4 Genotypic relationship between IL-6 (-174) G/C and IL-10 (-1082) G/A gene polymorphism and the odds of developing T2DM, North West Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 150)

From: Association of IL-10 (− 1082 A/G) and IL-6 (− 174 G/C) gene polymorphism with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Ethiopia population


T2DM (N = 75)

N (%)

Controls (N = 75)

N (%)


OR (95%CI)

IL-6 (−174)


38 (50.7)

16 (23.3)


4.61 (2.07–10.54)


20 (26.7)

26 (34.7)


1.49 (0.65–3.411)


17 (22.7)

33 (44)


- (ref)

IL-10 (−1082)


6 (8)

12 (16)


0.30 (0.101–0.892)


24 (32)

36 (48)


0.40 (0.198–0.808)


45 (60)

27 (36)


- (ref)

  1. T2DM Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, N Number, OR Odd ratio, ref reference, *P significant < 0.05, **P highly significant < 0.001