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Table 4 Indicators of bone formation and soft tissue turnover

From: Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pegvisomant for the treatment of acromegaly: a systematic review and economic evaluation


Parkinson 2003[15]Φ baseline

Parkinson 2003[15]Φ At IGF-1 normalisation

P v. baseline

Fairfield 2002[10]ΦΦ placebo 12 wks

Fairfield 2002[10]ΦΦPEG 12 wks

P v. placebo

Bone formation



47θ (14 - 109)

21 (10 - 73)

< 0.001

+0.01θθ (0.39)

-2.2 (0.44)


terminal propeptide procollagen I

70θ (12)

38 (8)

< 0.01

+18.1θ (12.8)

-23.6 (9.6)


bone alkaline phosphatase

147θθθ (29)

120 (23)

< 0.05


Bone resorption


cross linked telopeptide of collagen I

0.8Ψ (0.2 - 2.4)

0.4 (.03 - 1.3)


+1θθ (0.3)

-4.4 (1.4)


urinary ratio cross linked telopeptide/creatinine


56 (14)

< 0.01


Soft tissue formation


terminal propeptide of procollagen III

4.3θ (0.3)

3.1 (0.3)


  1. Φ data are mean (SEM) or median (range); ΦΦ data are mean (SEM); θ ug/L; θθ nmol/L; θθθ units unclear. Ψ pmol/L.